
Bocchignano, Italy

This is right up my alley. Dispatchwork by Jan Vormann.


The New City

The New York Times magazine has a new article up on the challenges faced by 'instant cities,' that is, cities that have sprung up from practically nothing in the past twenty years. I have a small obsession with cities like this, as evidenced by my inclusion of Dubai in the post below and I thought that the author brings forward some really interesting points.Robert Venturi and Le Corbusier are mentioned here as well as an interesting building complex that I was already planning on posting about: Steven Holl's "Linked Hybrid" project in Beijing.

Edward Lifson just recently posted a photo essay from a trip to Beijing, I'd definitely recommend checking it out. It really stands out from most of the concrete high-rises being built there now.


Old drawings: Wish You Were Here

Some little badges I made for my friend Meghan last summer - I think I had a bit of the wanderlust, though seeing Chicagoland through A Moon Jump 4 U was nice.


Shipping Container Houses

I shared this on my Google Reader list, but in case you missed it, Web Urbanist had a really great and pretty comprehensive post on the growing market for homes built from used cargo containers. You can do so much with one ubiquitous building block - I wonder if it will ever become a mainstream building option or just a niche market. I think I'd love to live in one, personally.


Printer's Row Book Fair

I always mean to go and never get around to it, but this Saturday I will be there, rain or shine.

Ivan Brunetti and Chris Ware are talking at 1pm at the Heartland Stage and my own heart is set aflutter at the thought.

The rest of the Fair takes place 10am-6pm Saturday and Sunday at Dearborn and Polk. 
See you there!