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Vietnam No-Go

East Meets West contacted me yesterday to tell me that I didn't get the internship with them... at this point I was expecting it but it wasn't a great feeling. I honestly applied to the thing spur of the moment but as time went on it became clear that I was depending on it. Now that my assisting gig is over I have to decide pretty soon what I want to do this summer - I think my deadline is next Sunday when I'll be at my family graduation party and everyone will have questions.

It's funny, I realized this afternoon that I'm really looking for a job with a nonprofit or just something with lofty goals. I know it's sort of a lame goal to 'help people,' but if you asked me about nonprofit work when I entered college I would have scoffed at the idea. Oberlin has definitely, finally, made its mark on me. Knowing that now it's easy to have regrets about the sort of courses and experiences I decided to take while I was there, I was pretty unfocused and not all that passionate about what I was doing. This last year and semester in particular I've finally felt that spark and that deep interest in what I was doing, in class and out, and I think that made it a lot harder to leave.

Anyway we'll see where I am a week from now - it should be enough time to work some of these things out.

Reader Comments (1)

that sucks. Sorry to hear but you will be there one day,we know it.
the dust of life

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThe dust of life

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